News Release
Minister Kusugak Announces Changes to the Iqaluit Housing Authority Board of Directors

Iqaluit, Nunavut (July 28, 2023) –The Honourable Lorne Kusugak, Minister responsible for the Nunavut Housing Corporation (NHC), announced changes to the Iqaluit Housing Authority (IHA) Board of Directors, effective today.
Six members of the Nunavut Housing Corporation have been appointed to serve as the Iqaluit Housing Authority’s Board of Directors. This is a temporary measure to address the ongoing labour dispute.
“The new board's immediate focus will be to return to the bargaining table to achieve a settlement to the IHA labour dispute,” said Minister Kusugak. “I have asked the new board to ensure, within the next 90 days, that it stabilize operations at the IHA and then immediately initiate a process to seek out a new board of non-NHC staff.”
The current relationship and agreements between the IHA and NHC will remain unchanged while NHC staff form the majority of the IHA board.
The newly-appointed board members are: • Eiryn Devereaux, Chair. • Juanie Pudluk, Vice Chair. • Eetuk Groves. • Jazmyne Perkins. • Jimmy Main. • Danio Penuliar.
The Nunavut Housing Corporation has not been involved in, or a party to, the collective bargaining to date. Given the length of time of the labour dispute and the lack of progress, more direct involvement from the NHC is required to ensure the effective delivery of the public housing program.
“I would like to express my appreciation to the outgoing board members for their dedication and service,” said Minister Kusugak. “NHC recognizes the challenges and pressures over the past months relative to the labour dispute between the Iqaluit Housing Authority and the Nunavut Employees Union, and the impact it has had on all individuals including employees, management, the Board and tenants. We are looking forward to resolving this labour dispute as soon as possible.”