
Strategic Project Delivery

The Nunavut Housing Corporation uses a multi-faceted procurement approach to achieve Nunavut 3000’s goals for transitional and public housing units.

This includes:

  • Design-build and design-bid-build delivery models as well as negotiated design-build contracts.
  • Incentivizing industry partners to develop affordable and market housing units by designing new affordable housing co-investment programs similar to the programs offered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
  • Providing support for cooperative housing and condo corporations.
  • Redesigning homeownership programs for people interested in purchasing new affordable and market housing units.
  • Engaging industry stakeholders who are interested in the supplying and delivering affordable housing across the territory by issuing Requests for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) to explore new and innovate ideas to address local housing supply issues.

The goal of Nunavut Housing Corporation’s approach is to ensure every community in Nunavut benefits from new housing. Although it is reasonable to expect changes to the plan as it progresses and new partnerships are formed, initial targets for housing have been identified to support government, community, and industry planning efforts.